Chef(s) d'équipe(s) :
Prof. Nathalie Chaput
Principaux axes de recherche :
Characterisation of the mechanisms associated to the response, resistance and inflammation-induced toxicity of checkpoint inhibitors, Identification of biomarkers associated to the response, resistance and inflammation-induced toxicity of checkpoint inhibitors, Pharmacodynamics and PK/PD of checkpoint inhibitors (Collaboration with Prof. Angelo Paci, Pharmacology department (SIPAM)), Longitudinal analysis of the phenotype and function of anti-CD19 CAR T-cells used in onco-hematology
Principaux modèles tumoraux utilisés :
In vitro human samples; In vivo mouse models (CT26, 4T1, 4T1MSH2-/-, B16FK1, MC38)
Équipements innovants utilisés :
Multiparametric flow cytometry, Multiplex immunoflourescence, Single cell RNAseq (collaboration with the genomic platform at GR)